eBook: Rum, Vodka, Liquor And Intoxicants – A Brief Response to The ‘AskImam’ Clique
- Full Title: Rum, Vodka, Liquor And Intoxicants – A Brief Response to The ‘AskImam’ Clique
- Release Date: 21 Muharram 1441 / 20 September 2019
- Publisher: Jamiatul Ulama Northern Cape
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 1.10 MB
- Download link: Download ‘Rum, Vodka, Liquor And Intoxicants – A Brief Response to The ‘AskImam’ Clique’ (PDF)
Book Introduction
‘Mufti’ Ebrahim Desai of Durban has been openly propagating much drivel on the alcohol-ethanol issue for a considerable time now. Moreover, everyone with a little brains will understand that the articles of the ‘mufti’ deceptively considered as Fatwas on the issue of halaalizing alcohol, are undoubtedly a Fitnah. In this regard, the ‘mufti’ has recently gone overboard by issuing a ‘fatwa’ which opens the door to the consumption of products containing Haraam ingredients such as Rum which contains approximately 40% alcohol or vanilla extract which contains about 35% alcohol.