Q. I wanted to know what is the ruling regarding inheritance in the situation where a man who passed away leaves behind his wife, both parents and three brothers and no children. How will his wealth be distributed? A. The estate will be divided into twelve shares. Seven for theRead More →

Q. What is your opinion regarding SAUF (Southern African Ulama Forum)? Many of them seem to be associated with those Ulama who went to court to close the Masaajid.  So, please guide us regarding this organization which seems to be representing 500+ Ulama? A. The Sauf Coterie are a bunch of Shayaateen.Read More →

Q. Is it permissible for a woman to travel without a Mahram if the journey is safe? A. It is not permissible for a woman to travel without a Mahram even if it is assumed that the journey is ‘safe’. When it was Haraam for women to travel without aRead More →

Q. An Aalima, in Azaadville who has a degree in theology and is also teaching at a girls so-called ‘Islamic’ University, has advertised a ‘Bliss of Marriage, femininity and intimacy workshop’. In another post she advertises this workshop with such language which is only for adults. I am shocked at the shameless languageRead More →

NEON FUNDRAISING WALK IN LAKEFIELD-BENONI EXCESSIVE SHAMELESSNESS IN BENONI!!! UN-ISLAMIC EVENTS SEEMS TO BE THE NORM AMONGST SOME PEOPLE Q. The Benoni Ladies Forum is hosting a ‘Neon Walk’ at the Pan in Lakefield. The Pan is like a small lake/dam which is a bird conservatory. So people, mostly womenRead More →

COMEDY SHOWS IN LAKEFIELD-BENONI ‘MUSLIMS’ PROMOTING HARAAM!!! Q. Muslim restaurants in Lakefield-Benoni are advertising comedy shows. Are these comedy shows permissible? A. Comedy shows are Haraam. And to promote and advertise Haraam events is also Haraam. The Qur’aan explicitly states: “And do not assist in sin and transgression.” ‘Muslims’ asRead More →