Mawlid – Moulood – Meelaad
Q. Is Mawlid/Moulood/Meelaad permissible if no specific date is specified? A. Mawlid or Moulood or Meelaad is Bid’ah even if no date is specified.Read More →
Q. Is Mawlid/Moulood/Meelaad permissible if no specific date is specified? A. Mawlid or Moulood or Meelaad is Bid’ah even if no date is specified.Read More →
Q. May we fast only on the 10th of Muharram? A. Fasting on ONLY the 10th of Muharram will not be regarded as following the Sunnah. It will be regarded as a Nafl Fast. To acquire the virtue of the Sunnah, one has to fast on the 9th and 10thRead More →
Q. May we invite friends for a meal or celebration on the 10th of Muharram? A. The Hadeeth refers to family – not friends. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “He who expands on his family in the matter of nafaqah (house expenses) on the day of Aashura, Allah will expandRead More →
Q. In Cape Town, there is a council known as Cape Town Ulama Board. They are also known as CTIEC. They seem to be Bid’atis. They indulge in Moulood, appear on TV and it has been observed several times that they violate the laws of Hijaab. They are part ofRead More →
Q. Many Muslim businesses advertise Muharram gifts. Is it permissible to do so? A. Gifts are permissible all year round. However, some Muslim businesses are promoting gifts for Aashura, i.e. the 10th of Muharram. They know that this has become a custom amongst ignorant Muslims. Hence, those with commercial interestsRead More →
Q. Can we give one another gifts on 10th Muharram? Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said we should give gifts and this will engender love amongst us? A. Did Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam say you must give gifts on 10th Muharram? The answer is a clear – NO! Did any ofRead More →
Q. Can we mourn the death of Hadhrat Husain Radhiyallahu Anhu on Aashura? A. No. This is Haraam. Why do you want to mourn the shahaadat of specifically Hadhrat Husain Radhiyallahu Anhu? What about Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, the Khulafaa-e-Raashideen, the Azwaaj-e-Mutaharraat and the thousands of other Sahaabah Radhiayallahu AnhumRead More →
Q. Some Molvis give Bayaans on Karbala and on the Shahaadat of Hadhrat Husain Radhiyallahu Anhu in Muharram and on the night of Aashura. Is this permissible? A. No. it is not permissible. A host of khuraafaat and baseless customs in Muharram have become entrenched amongst ignorant Muslims and thoseRead More →
Q. Are Ta’ziyah Jalsahs permissible in Muharram? A. Even out of Muharram, Ta’ziyah Jalsahs are impermissible. The Ta’ziyah Jalsahs in Muharram are inventions of the Shia Kuffaar.Read More →
Q. Can we send out messages such as Muharram Mubaarak, and messages congratulating our Muslim brothers and sisters around the world upon the new Islamic year. Some even say Aashura Mubaarak. Kindly advise? A. All of these are baseless customs. This is the way of the Kuffaar. It is absolutelyRead More →
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