Q. Muslim restaurants in Lakefield-Benoni are advertising comedy shows. Are these comedy shows permissible?
A. Comedy shows are Haraam. And to promote and advertise Haraam events is also Haraam. The Qur’aan explicitly states: “And do not assist in sin and transgression.” ‘Muslims’ as well as the ‘Muslim’ restaurants who are promoting comedies and comedy shows, are undoubtedly assisting in sin.
The so-called ‘halaal’ restaurants are promoting Haraam. They call themselves ‘halaal’ restaurants, but they are hosting and encouraging people to attend Haraam nonsense – and then too at night! How can a Muslim host such Haraam shows?
You should also not eat at these restaurants. As a Muslim, the Sunnah method is to eat on the floor – not at table and chairs which is the style of the Kuffaar. How is it possible for a lover of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam to sell the Sunnah for a plate of food?
Furthermore, abstain from buying food even from Muslim restaurants. They are extremely doubtful and many of them are Haraam. The meat which they use comes from abattoirs which do not slaughter according to the Shariah. It is not permissible to eat meat which comes from stunned chickens, stunned sheep or stunned cattle. You don’t even know if the animal is alive when it is slaughtered. Many of the slaughterers slaughter even through Jumu’ah time. How then can meat from doubtful sources ever be trusted? Ask the butcher or restaurant if his meat is stunned and if he zigzags or gets angry, then you have your answer. Stunned meat is Haraam. All the commercial beef, mutton and chicken in South Africa has been proven to be Haraam.
Furthermore, an important Usool we have learnt from Hadhrat Moulana Thanwi Rahimahullah and that is: “All things are Haraam until proven to be Halaal.” Thus, consider all those meat restaurants and commercial butchers to be Haraam unless they can prove that the animals are slaughtered in conformity to the Shariah from A to Z without stunning, etc. But the system at majority of the slaughterhouses are in conflict with the Shariah from beginning to end. In fact, almost all commercial abattoirs are owned by the Kuffaar. The slaughtering system of Shaytaan cannot and will not be able to produce Halaal meat. And it is this Kufr Shaytaani slaughtering systems which are in place at most so-called halaal abattoirs. Money has blinded the hearts and brains of the evil scholars for dollars so-called Ulama who certify carrion as Halaal.
And when the restaurant is capable of flagrantly indulging in Haraam comedy shows, stupid quiz nights, birthday bashes, etc. then the word of such Fussaaq can never be trusted on matters pertaining to Halaal and Haraam!
Did Allah Ta’ala create the night for indulgence in Haraam and futility?
The comedy shows are Haraam and in terms of the Shariah, it is not permissible to even buy food from those restaurants. Eating at table and chairs is not permissible. According to the Usool explained by Moulana Thanwi, those restaurants are Haraam. All meat is Haraam unless proven to be Halaal. This is the principle of the Shariah as explained in the Kutub of Fiqh!
The following article explains in detail why comedy shows are Haraam: