Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “He who increases the number of a crowd, is part of them.”
There seems to be confusion regarding the Jamiatul Ulama Northern Cape and the Northern Cape Munaafiq Council parading as the ‘Northern Cape Ulama Council’. Many sincere people have written to us and thus the following facts should clarify our stance:
1. The Jamiatul Ulama Northern Cape was never part of the bogus ‘UUCSA’. This bogus ‘UUCSA’ is very disunited. Hence, their name is misleading. JamiatKZN and the Council of Ulama Eastern Cape do not agree with them on the issue of the Masaajid being closed. We make Dua that JamiatKZN and Council of Ulama Eastern Cape join the ranks of the Ulama-e-Haq very soon Insha Allah on other matters too.
2. We are not affiliated to the Shayaateen known as Northern Cape Ulama Council. A Mufti Saheb contacted them and asked them if they wish the Masaajid should be open. They refused to stand up for the Masaajid and instead became Shayaateen. They deserve to be called ‘Northern Cape Shayaateen Council’. There is not a single proper Aalim in this organization. If there was a proper Aalim within the Northern Cape Ulama Council, he will not remain within a council who licks the boots of Zindeeqs such as the MJC, Abraham Bham, Taliep and other Mudhilleen.
The fact that the president of the Middelburg-Gatesville ‘uucsa’ was one of the main proponents of the Scrap Kufr Cape Accord is enough to condemn every single organization affiliated to the Munaafiq so-called ‘uucsa’. Read the Hadeeth quoted at the beginning. Are those words of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam not sufficient?
3. Please view our website and read the articles on the bogus ‘uucsa’ which we have written. Insha Allah, more will be revealed in the future.
4. The Masaajid should remain open. It is Haraam to close the Masaajid. Several articles appear on our website.
5. We support the petition of the Mu’mineen that the Masaajid should remain open. Sign the petition here:
6. We are not siding with the bogus ‘UUCSA”. We have never sided with them. We are against them on innumerable issues. How can one be a friend of the court with the despicable Kufr motive that the Masaajid should remain closed? Indeed, these so-called ‘uucsa’ chaps are worse than the Munaafiqeen. The title ‘Munaafiq’ is too light for these enemies of Islam!
Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Soon will there dawn an age when nothing of Islam will remain except its name – nothing of the Qur’aan will remain except its text. The Musaajid will be elaborate (and ornate) structures, but bereft of guidance. The worst of the people under the canopy of the sky will be the ulama. From them will emerge fitnah, and the fitnah will rebound on them.”