Allah Ta’ala states: “(O Women!) Remain glued within your homes and make not a display of yourselves like the tabarruj (exhibition) of Jaahiliyyah.” (Surah 33, Verse 33)
Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Women are aurah (objects of concealment). Indeed, when they emerge (from their homes), shaitaan (lies in ambush and) surreptitiously follows her. Indeed, she is closest to Allah Ta`ala in the innermost corner of her home.”
Recently, a woman insisted to be in the men’s section of a Musjid, despite the Musjid having ‘ladies’ facilities. Consequently, the ‘Imaam’, Musallis, and the adamant woman had an argument over whether it was correct for her to be in the men’s section or not. The ‘Imaam’ felt that the woman should go to the ‘ladies’ section of the Musjid. But the masculinized woman demanded to be in the men’s section.
The following facts should be taken into consideration:
- It is Haraam for women to attend the Masaajid. There is no need – in fact, not permissible – for a Musjid to have ‘ladies’ facilities. All ladies – young and old – should perform their Salaat comfortably at home.
- From the episode, one understands that even the be-hayaa women don’t want segregated ladies’ facilities. They want to be in the same space as the men. These shameless women of today should know that the menfolk very well understand that tomorrow those very same shameless women who are demanding to be in the same space as the men, will want to deliver Khutbahs, call out the Athaan and even be the Imaams as is already happening in some places of the world.
- If according to the hallucination of some people, there is scope in this era of Fitnah for women to go to the Masaajid with conditions, then too the conditions were not fulfilled and will never ever be fulfilled. When the Sahaabah Radhiyallahu Anhum banned women from the Masaajid in their noble era of Taqwa and Hayaa, then what does intelligence demand in this era of immorality?
- The witch’s face was exposed. She was arguing with the men who asked her to leave. The men were shamelessly staring at her. She was not in a state of tafilaat. She was not wearing a Jilbaab. She was acting like she is the Mujtahidah of the 15th Islamic century. The men and women intermingled. It was Fitnah upon Fitnah. Not a single condition which Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam stipulated for the pious Sahaabah of his era, was upheld by the congregation. And it will not be upheld. Hence, the Fatwa of all four Math-habs is that it is Haraam for women to attend the Masaajid and the Eidgah. And this is the only valid view according to the Shariah. And in this age, only a moron can dispute or object to the Haq.
- The whole scenario was videoed and the Haraam videos went viral. And this evil took place in the Musjid. What a disgrace!