Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “When you find yourself in the morning, do not concern yourself with the evening, and when you find yourself in the evening, then do not concern yourself with the morning.” [Targheeb]
Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “The first (attitudes to create) corruption for this Ummah are bukhl (stinginess) and amal (vain hopes for the distant future).” [Mishkaat]
The Vision 2025 of the MZB (‘Madressa Zia-ul-Badr’) clique is described in the Shariah as toolul amal (long, distant, futile and baseless hopes which divert man from the purpose of life). We do not have the faintest clue of what is going to happen tomorrow. But deviated TV-actors pretending to be Ulama are talking of Vision 2025. Are they trying to outdo MBS with his Kufr Vision 2030?
Some of the factors which have to be taken into consideration for understanding the satanism of the protagonists of MZB Vision 2025 are:
- Vanker, Akoo and Moosa Seedat are TV-actors! Their infamous starring alongside Munaafiq Ravat (branded as a reverend by the family of a pro-LGBTQ Murtaddah) on ITV aggravates the egregiousness of these Zindeeqs.
- Their dalliance with the Fordsburg Jamiat (deceptively and satanically masquerading as Jamiatsa) and support for such miserable traitors who aligned with the Kuffaar courts to close the Masaajid remains a dark blot on their reputation. And that is not the end of it! The supporters and followers of Bham-Ragie-Jeena-Ravat’s Jamiat need to ask themselves if they are really even Muslims.
This notorious Jamiat under the devilish auspices of uucsa sided in court with lesbians and anti-polygamy Kuffaar and Murtaddeen who find fault with the Islamic Laws pertaining to inheritance, Talaaq, maintenance, etc. etc. to the extent that even the non-Muslim judge advised uucsa that the relief they were seeking in the Kuffaar court was in conflict with the Shariah – a fact which uucsa finds extremely difficult to deny! When this is the case, one has to be a Zindeeq to support, follow or donate towards an organization which intends to change the Shariah by means of beautified satanic interpretation. And this is the reality of Moosa Seedat, Vanker and Akoo!
- Where is the public statement of Vanker, Akoo and Moosa Seedat on Shias? Or is Mut’ah part of MZB Vision 2025?
- Who are Moosa Seedat, Vanker and Akoo trying to fool with their idea of ‘separate seating’ for ladies? When it is Haraam for women to attend the Masaajid for Salaat, then by what stretch of logic can it ever be permissible for women to attend a Kaafir-style function stupidly dubbed as a ‘sustainability dinner’?
These Molvis need to learn about the Mas’alah pertaining to Khurooj-e-Nisaa (female emergence from the home) which is undoubtedly chagrin to these Fussaaq Zindeeqs masquerading as ‘ulama’. The reality is that they are Ulama-e-Soo.
- The Zindeeqs also make mention of a dress code which is “strictly Islamic”. What is ‘strictly Islamic’ according to these Zindeeqs is most probably what Shaytaan might even approve of! They should explain the term ‘strictly Islamic’ first before attempting to mislead people by inanely trying to sound as if they really follow the Shariah. Had it been strictly Islamic, there would not have been a silly 2025 vision accompanied by a ‘sustainability’ dinner which is a mockery of the Deen! They would also then not allow women to attend their merrymaking functions of takabbur (pride), hubbe-jah (love for name and fame) and nafsaaniyyat.
- Another stupidity mentioned is that all Covid-19 protocols will be observed. However, at the Kufr funeral of Jessie Duarte, what happened to the Covid protocols of satanism? Moosa Seedat and Faasiq Peck of Darul Uloom Zakariyya were the main clowns participating in the Kufr funeral. The violation of Hijaab at the funeral was extraordinary! How did they get it right that whilst they stood by the grave of the pro-LGBTQ Kaafirah, so many shameless women were amongst them!!!
Those ill-clad shameless Faasiqaat, Faajiraat, Kaafiraat and Zaaniyaat immorally filed passed them, took a little sand and threw upon the grave of the deceased. Is this not Haraam according to Darul Uloom Zakariyya? What do the uucsa Zindeeqs have to say about such shamelessness? Nevertheless, Moosa Seedat and Faasiq Peck found it apt to show-off their Zandaqah, Bid’ah and Fisq at the Haraam interfaith funeral.
- Akoo, Vanker and Moosa Seedat violently tramp on the Laws of Hijaab. They are also notorious for their Fisq and clowning on TV. No one has any guarantee that he/she will live to attain the distant future. But even at the graveyard, the minds and hearts of these Zindeeqs and Munaafiqs are ‘dead’! They are totally oblivious of the Aakhirah. Maut stalks us daily, but the satanic behaviour of these Fussaaq-Fujjaar, gives the false notion as if life is never-ending here on earth.
These Zindeeqs call themselves ‘Islamic Scholars’, but they are hosting silly dinners at the UNISA Conference Centre which is also a venue for Kuffaar! Furthermore, these Zindeeqs indulge in photography, videos, TV, etc. which clearly proves that they are mardoodush-shahaadah! The moonsightings of people who take photos of themselves and those who appear on TV is not acceptable in Islam! Moreover, Salaat behind them is not permissible. It is not permissible to learn or study Deen from such Shayaateen. Such miscreants will have a very negative impact on the Imaan, Akhlaaq and Deen of those studying under them. Stay far away from these agents of Iblees!