Q. At the Houghton ‘Muslim’ Academy, a Moulana is seen standing amongst Grade 7 female learners who are reciting the Qur’aan. Is this not against the Laws of Hijaab? They reciting the Qur’aan, but not following the Qur’aan? Am I right?
A. Yes, you are correct. They flagrantly violate the Laws of Hijab. They are Fussaaq. Beware of them. It is not permissible to send one’s children to such Shaytaani academies. The so-called ‘Islamic’ and ‘Muslim’ Schools are schools of Fisq, Fujoor, Bid’ah, Kufr and Zina! Stay far away from them. They ruin the Hayaa and Imaan of Muslim children. Thus, we find a preponderance of modernists and Zindeeqs.