Mawlid – Moulood – Meelaad
Q. Is Mawlid/Moulood/Meelaad permissible if no specific date is specified? A. Mawlid or Moulood or Meelaad is Bid’ah even if no date is specified.Read More →
Q. Is Mawlid/Moulood/Meelaad permissible if no specific date is specified? A. Mawlid or Moulood or Meelaad is Bid’ah even if no date is specified.Read More →
MADRASATUSH SHAYAATEEN WAL MUBTADI’EEN – NEW HAUNT FOR BENONI BID’ATIS! Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Whatever is innovated into this Deen of ours, verily, it is mardood (accursed and rejected).” It has been brought to our notice that the Benoni Bid’atis are gloating and bloating about their new Bid’atiRead More →
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