THE MINOR SON of Hadhrat Umar Bin Abdul Azeez was crying profusely a few days before Eidul Fitr. He complained to his mother that the parents of all the neighbourhood children had bought new Eid clothes for them. The boy therefore cried by his mother for new clothes. She assured him that she herself would wash his clothes. He will therefore have clean clothes for Eid. This did not placate the child who fell asleep crying.

When the Khalifah came home, the Queen sadly said: “O Ameerul Mu’mineen! Next week is Eid. Our son has been crying profusely for new clothes.” The Khalifah said: “You are aware that the wage I receive from the Baitul Maal is not sufficient to buy clothes. The Baitul Maal is solely for the poor, orphans and widows. I am merely its Trustee. It is sinful for even a thought to cross my mind regarding appropriation of any money for my personal needs. Don’t you have anything which could be sold?”

The Queen responded: “You have taken all my jewels and assigned them to the Baitul Maal, even the valuable necklace which my father (the previous Khalifah) had given me.” Hadhrat Umar Bin Abdul Azeez (rahmatullah alayh), lowered his head in deep reflection. Then addressing a letter to the custodian of the Baitul Maal he requested a month’s wages in advance. His servant was despatched with the letter to the Baitul Maal. In response, the Custodian of the Baitul Maal wrote: “O Ameerul Mu’mineen! I am at your service. However, Can you guarantee that you will remain alive for a month? Since you are unable to offer this guarantee, why do you desire to burden yourself with the rights of the poor, orphans and widows?” When the Khalifah read the reply, his eyes welled up with tears, and he spontaneously exclaimed: “O Custodian of the Baitul Maal! You have saved me from destruction.” When Eid arrived, Hadhrat Umar Bin Abdul Azeez (rahmatullah alayh) walked to the Eidgah holding the hand of his little boy wearing the old clothes which the Queen, his mother, had washed with her own hands.