Allah Ta’ala states: ‘‘What! Do you think that We have created you in vain (so that you may indulge in sport and futility)?”
Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Every sport of the Mu’min is Baatil” (falsehood, Haraam, evil and satanic).
On the topic of soccer and the world cups, an article has already been published which may be viewed at the following link: Soccer & The World Cup.
Nevertheless, there is a need to remind one another as Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Deen is Naseehat” (advice). Many ‘Muslims’ are associated and also obsessed with the world cups, tournaments, leagues, cups, championships, etc. related to the various and famous Kuffaar sports.
The fanaticism and passion which ‘Muslims’ show to Kuffaar sports such as cricket, soccer, rugby, Olympics, netball, basketball, tennis, baseball, table tennis, hockey, volleyball, American football, golf, badminton, etc. have reached such a disastrous level that the brothers and sisters of Shaytaan even waste large amounts of money for the sake of watching their sport, team or favourite players live at stadiums.
Those brothers and sisters of Shaytaan forgot that they have ‘Muslim’ names. They most probably forgot that they are Muslim and that they claim to follow Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam who declared all sports of the Mu’min to be Haraam except playing with his wife, training with his horse and practising with his bow.
The atmosphere of a stadium is undoubtedly in conflict with the Shariah. Intermingling of the sexes, music, liquor, baboon-behaviour, Kuffaar songs, women in lewd attire, cheerleaders, prostitutes, violence, vulgarity, dancing, hooliganism, shamelessness, etc. etc. are the order of the day.
Despite such an evil environment, ‘Muslims’ are found in large numbers at stadiums. Notwithstanding the preponderance of fisq and fujoor, fuhsh and munkar at the stadium, ‘muslims’ have hours to waste in futility and Haraam as if they don’t even believe in Maut (death). How despicable and rebellious to the Shariah have these Fussaaq not become?
Added to the Haraam mix, are the evil scholars who do not deserve the titles of Aalim, Moulana, Mufti, Sheikh, Qaari etc. These evil scholars promote Kuffaar sport on Shaytaan’s Book (i.e. Facebook), Twitter, Instagram, Dajjaal’s Eye (TV which is absolutely Haraam) and with their participation in Haraam Kuffaar sports such as their involvement and Shaytaani presence at the Haraam soccer tournaments.
The so-called Islamic Radio stations and the Un-Islamic so-called Muslim Schools also abet and promote Kuffaar sports. It has been observed that even the tournaments of the Mozlem Schools are filled with immorality. What then to speak about the sport which takes place at the Haraam Kuffaar schools, colleges and universities!
At the recent Apax Soccer tournament (AMS Shaytaani Schools), Volksrust tournament, etc. many Haraam acts took place. Photography, videoing, girls and boys mixed, Kaafir-style cheering, clapping hands, Kuffaar-style trophies and awards, satr (the knees) exposed, Kuffaar-style dressing, intermingling of the sexes, Kuffaar-style celebrations, immoral ‘Muslim’ girls dressed in jeans like prostitutes, men looking at women and vice-versa and much more Haraam took place.
This is the Fisq and Fujoor which took place at a supposedly so-called ‘Muslim’ School soccer tournament where Shaytaan Abraham Bham was also present. So much Haraam at the tournament, so the devil will also have to be there. Now what should be said about all the Kuffaar soccer tournaments?
Is there a need to explain why the English League is Haraam? Are some Muslims so stupid and so blind that they cannot understand that the World Cups, the soccer cups, champions’ leagues, Olympics, 20-20 cricket, and all Kuffaar sports – especially the national, professional and international sports, etc. – are all Haraam? The Qur’aan states: “Deaf, dumb, and blind – hence they cannot understand (the Haq).”
The fact that soccer, cricket and all Kuffaar sport are jam-packed with so much Haraam, is an undeniable fact. How then can these Kuffaar sports be permissible? The very ethos and environment of Kuffaar sport is in conflict with the Shariah!
The Kuffaar marathons and races are extremely shameless. In terms of the Shariah, they are ‘naked’ due to them exposing their Aurah (satr). When it is Haraam to even watch Kuffaar racing and running marathons, then what should be said about soccer, rugby, etc.? The Haraam cannot be separated from the Haraam sport. There is indeed much Hikmah (wisdom) and benefit for us when Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said that every sport of the Mu’min is Haraam.
Muslims have become fanatics of the European clubs, especially the English and Spanish soccer clubs. They fail to realise how short life is, and thus waste valuable time with these Haraam Kuffaar sports. When it is Haraam to be present at a stadium, it does not mean that you may watch it on TV in your lounge and become a ‘couch potato’! People unnecessarily waste valuable time on Kuffaar sport which could have rather been utilized for the benefit of one’s Aakhirat instead of ruining one’s Aakhirat. The phones, tablets, and digital gadgets are misused for Haraam sports.
TV is Haraam and here we have the NMJ promoting Haraam soccer on a big screen. The Bham-Menk Shaytaans also promote Haraam soccer amongst many other Haraam acts which these Zindeeqs are involved in. They mingle with women, and promote Haraam functions and Kuffaar sports which entail much immoral intermingling between men and women which is Haraam according to all four Math-habs. They also wish to blend and poison the Deen with Haraam activities.
Why add Salaat on the menu of a Haraam soccer match? Is it permissible to abandon the Masjid and perform Salaat at the Shaytaani NMJ Centre for the sake of a soccer match? The NMJ should do some soul-searching if they are genuinely Muslims. The same is applicable to all the Shaytaani scholars such as Bham, Menk & Co. who are involved in, participate in, promote or sanction Kuffaar sport. A Molvi or Mufti who argues the permissibility of soccer or cricket does not deserve the honourable titles of Moulana, Aalim or Mufti. He deserves appropriate titles of moron, baboon, etc. because his opinion and so-called ‘Fatwa’ only pleases monkeys and baboons!
In light of the prohibition of sport stated by Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam himself, the Fuqaha have declared all sport to be Haraam. When an intellectual game such as chess is Haraam, then what conclusion should be drawn regarding these totally nonsensical Kuffaar sports saturated with Haraam from beginning to end!
Dancing, Zina, shouting slogans, the Kufr-attitude of showing preference to the Kuffaar sport t-shirts over the Sunnah dressing of the Kurta, mimicking the Kuffaar players in appearance and mannerisms, etc. are all integral to Kuffaar sports.
The condition of Muslim women involved in Kuffaar sport is extremely deplorable. When Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam instructs women to conceal themselves, we find many Muslim women doing directly the opposite. Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Woman is Aurah (i.e. an object of concealment). When she emerges (from her home) shaytaan casts surreptitious glances at her (to ambush her and manipulate her for fitnah). And undoubtedly the closest she is to Allah Ta`ala is when she is at the innermost corner of her house.”
Shameless women display and exhibit themselves publicly which is prohibited in the Qur’aan. Allah Ta’ala commanding women to remain indoors, says in the Qur’aan Majeed: “And remain resolutely in your homes, and do not make a display (of yourselves) like the exhibition of Jaahiliyyah.”
Muslim women should remain at home. Why have Muslim women adopted the prostitute tendencies of Kaafiraat, Faahishaat and Zaaniyaat? Looking at the male or female Kuffaar players is indeed very shameless for men and women. Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Hayaa (Shame) is a branch of Imaan.”
In every aspect of haraam, Muslims are emulating the Kuffaar. In so doing they have become the subject for the materialization of Rasulullah’s prediction:
“Most certainly you will follow the ways of those before you cubit by cubit to such an extent that if they enter into a lizard’s hole, you will follow them (into the hole).”