Fiqh would not be defmed as the mere superficial perusing of kitaabs. Fiqh is a celestial light (noor) which subsists in the heart. It is the blessing of this that the holder thereof gains an understanding of Deen. It is this very noor which Allah Ta’ ala sometimes snatches away. This is something which is not in the control of man. Now, you can read and study thousands of kitaabs, but because you have no understanding of the Deen, you will never become a Faqeeh. This noor of fiqh increases with obedience and wanes with sin. That ‘Faqeeh’ who is not obedient or pious, is a Faqeeh of the kitaabs (and not of the Deen). He is not a haqeeqi (real) Faqeeh and is not included in the class of fuqaha regarding whom Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) gave glad tidings.

And since we are aware that fiqh is the understanding of the Deen, what doubt can there now be in that a Faqeeh is also a soofi . All our Fuqaha, as many as there were, were all Sahib-e- Nisbat and Sahibe-Ma’rifat (i.e. Walis who followed the Path of Tareeqat). The proper and total understanding of the Deen cannot be acquired without nisbat and ma’rifat. This is the reason why it has been mentioned regarding the Fuqaha, “One Faqeeh is harder on shaitaan than a thousand ‘aabids.” The person who understands the Deen well, will be well acquainted to the deceptions and ploys of shaitaan. He will not allow a single trick to entrap him. As for the unlearned ‘aabid, shaitaan can manoeuvre and manipulate him as he pleases.