Q: IS THERE JANAAZAH SALAAH FOR A PERSON WHO COMMITS SUICIDE? A: Suicide is amongst the worst of Haraam acts a person could even think of. It is so severe that according to some Fuqaha, his Janaazah Salaah should not be performed because he is a traitor. Nevertheless, the mostRead More →

THE CONTAGIOUS EFFECT OF SIN Once, after making a mistake in Salaat, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “What has happened to the people. They do not perform Wudhu correctly, which causes the Imaam to make mistakes. The effects of sins also affect those who do not sin. [MALFOOZAAT HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →

THE TIMES OF SALAAT THE TIME FOR FAJR SALAAT Appromixately 1 ½ hours before sunrise a dim whitish glow appears vertically in the eastern horizon. Soon after this vertical glow, a brightness appears horizontally in the eastern horizon. This horizontal glow spreads instantly along the horizon becoming larger and largerRead More →