Allah Ta’ala states: “Who is a greater oppressor than the one who prevents the Thikr of Allah in the Masaajid, and he strives (plots) in its destruction?” (Surah Baqarah, Aayat 114)
In the Tafseer of the above Aayat, Imaam Raazi Rahmatullahi Alayh states: “Verily, the text of this Aayat demands that the one who strives to ruin the Musaajid is worse than a mushrik because Allah’s statement: ‘Who is a greater oppressor’, includes the mushrik.”
This is applicable to preventing just one Musalli from the Masjid! Now what should the Fatwa be regarding those who prevent not just one Musalli, but call for the Masaajid to be closed, thus preventing the entire male community from the Masaajid? If preventing one male Musalli from the Masjid makes one worse than a Mushrik, then it should not be difficult to understand the ‘Akfarul Kaafireen’ title given to those who close the Masaajid. They are worse than the Kuffaar!
By now, almost everyone is aware that the MJC has called for the Masaajid to be closed. Every Muslim with healthy Imaan understands that it is Haraam to close the Masaajid. In his Shaytaani article deceptively dubbed as a ‘Fatwa’, Taha Karaan did not present any Shar’i evidence for his view. Thus, his so-called ‘Fatwa’ is merely his personal opinion. In fact, it is drivel and Shaytaaniyyat as his view clashes with the Shariah. In terms of the Qur’aan, Sunnah, Fiqh, etc. it is Haraam to close the Masaajid due to illnesses and sicknesses. Precisely, Taha Karaan is totally impotent and academically bankrupt when it comes to presenting the Qur’aan and Sunnah to substantiate his Shaytaani opinion. And how is Karaan going to defend himself when his opinion is Kufr because it actually rejects the “LAA ADWAA” Hadith.
Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “LAA ADWAA” – There is no contagion! When there is no contagion, then a healthy mind readily understands that the protocols of social distancing, masks, and najis sanitizers are all rubbish ideas of satanism which are the consequence of believing in the contagion theory which is actually a denial and rejection of the Fatwa of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. And this is KUFR!
Furthermore, closing the Masaajid is also KUFR. It is only a mind afflicted with rijs (satanic filth) which will dilute and minimise the importance of Salaat with Jamaat at the Masaajid. Istikhfaaf of Salaat with Jamaat at the Masaajid is Kufr. It is Kufr to treat Salaat with Jamaat at the Masaajid lightly. And the Kufr act of closing the Masaajid is carried out in obedience to the Medical Murtaddeen and dahriyyah atheistic doctors who are all propounding the contagion theory in negation and rejection of what Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said. And this is clear-cut Kufr.
Having said that, if anyone agrees with the MJC on the issue of closing the Masaajid, then such a person makes himself a Kaafir because he is rejecting the words of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam which are “LAA ADWAA”.
Closing the Masaajid is in fact cancelling Jumu’ah and Jamaat Salaat and all of this is Kufr. If Masaajid are closed due to government injustice and oppression, then this is a different issue although it will be in conflict with the constitution of freedom of religion and also in conflict with the Primary Constitution of every genuine Muslim which is the Qur’aan and Sunnah. It would be prudent to note, however, that the government has NOT instructed the closure of the Masaajid. Munaafiq Taha Karaan and his ilk have even surpassed the Kuffaar in their Kufr!