eBook: Halloween – Response to a Birmingham Satanist Masquerading as a Maaliki ‘Mufti’

- Full Book Title: Halloween- Promoting Satanism, Shirk & Kufr: Response to a Birmingham Satanist Masquerading as a Maaliki ‘Mufti’
- Release Date: 10 Muharram 1442 (30 August 2020)
- Publisher: Jamiatul Ulama Northern Cape
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 2.55 MB
One Zindeeq masquerading as a ‘Mufti’ of the Maaliki Math-hab, and who poses as ‘Mufti Abu Layth’, has written stercoral Kufr-drivel on the topic of Halloween.
Since the Zindeeq is very well aware of the fact that the Fuqaha of all four Math-habs condemn Tashabbuh Bil Kuffaar, he is totally impotent in quoting the Fuqaha on the issue of Tashabbuh Bil Kuffaar!
He also dissembles to be a ‘Maaliki’, yet fails to present the views of the Maaliki Fuqaha on the relevant issues of Tashabbuh and participating in Kuffaar festivals.
As a result of his academic impotency, he straggles and struggles to find a basis for the Jahannami objective of defending Halloween which is a festival of Kufr, Shirk, Fisq, Fujoor, Shaytaaniyyat, Zina and a host of Munkaraat.
Accordingly, he betrays his Zandaqah by stupidly trying to argue Halloween on the basis of Aqeeqah which is Sunnat and other abrogated slaughtering practices such as Fara’ and A’teerah which were abrogated and prohibited by Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam himself.
Alhamdulillah, with the Fadhl of Allah Ta’ala, a refutation is presented to his Kufr-copro-drivel as Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “This Ilm (of the Shariah) will be borne by the pious of every successive generation. They (the Ulama-e-Haqq) will drive away from it (this Shariah) the interpolations of the deviates, the falsehood of the false-mongers and the interpretations of the ignoramuses.” (Mishkaat)