eBook: Social Distancing in Salaat: Response To Darul Ifta Mahmoodiyyah – Zambia & SA

- Full Book Title: Social Distancing in Salaat: Response To Darul Ifta Mahmoodiyyah – Zambia & SA
- Release Date: 10 Muharram 1442 (30 August 2020)
- Publisher: Jamiatul Ulama Northern Cape
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 2.11 MB
All praise unto Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala who emphasized the greatness of the Sufoof of the Malaa-ikah (angels) by taking an Oath:
“Was Saaffaati Saffaa”
Translation: “An Oath on the angels (who during Ibaadat or when listening to the Commands of Allah Ta’ala) stand in Saffs.”
[Surah 37 – Aayat 1]
Durood and Salaams unto our Master and Leader, Nabi Muhammed Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam who perfectly explained the Sufoof of the Malaa-ikah in the following Hadeeth:
“Will you not form the Sufoof like how the angels form their Saffs for their Rabb?’
We (The Sahaabah Radhiyallahu Anhum) said: ‘How do the Malaaikah stand in their rows by their Rabb?’
Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: ‘They complete the front Saffs and they stand next to one another without gaps in the Saff.’”
[Saheeh Muslim]
Every Muslim knows that the Primary Ibaadat of the Masjid is Salaat. Whilst Tilaawat, Thikr, Dua, Tasbeeh, Bayaans, I’tikaaf, etc. also take place in the Masaajid, the primary function of the Masjid is the Five Daily Salaat and Jumu’ah Salaat on Fridays.
It is Fardh to perform Salaat five times daily. Whilst Salaat with Jamaat at the Masjid might not be technically Fardh, it is undoubtedly a Waajib act which is practically a Fardh act.
The command of the Qur’aan is to establish Salaat! Salaat has to be embedded into the daily life of a Muslim. Establishing and incorporating Salaat into one’s earthly journey, is when Salaat is performed in total conformity to the Shariah.
Amongst those acts which indicate that a person is really upholding his Salaat, is the straightening and perfection of the Sufoof which in turn also gives one an idea of the importance of Salaat with Jamaat. Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said:
“Straighten your Sufoof, for indeed straightening the Sufoof is from amongst (those acts) which establish Salaat.”
The oft-repeated Qur’aanic command of ‘Establishing Salaat’ means that we should perform a complete and perfect Salaat.
If a Saff is not straight, one is then obviously not fulfilling the Qur’aanic command of establishing Salaat. Although some Fuqaha have technically described the act of straightening the Sufoof and standing shoulder to shoulder as Sunnah or Mustahab, these technical terms do not negate the practical Wujoob of upholding the act of straightening the Sufoof and closing the gaps.
Accordingly, Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: ‘Beware of gaps (in Salaat)” [Majma’uz Zawaaid]
Furthermore, the Hadeeth which explains that Taswiyatus Sufoof (Straightening the Saff) is from the acts of Iqaamatus Salaat (Establishing Salaat), gives one an idea of the importance of Salaat with Jamaat.
A Saff is straightened when Salaat is performed with Jamaat, not when Salaat is performed alone.
Moreover, every Mu’min desires to perform a perfect Salaat. The perfect Salaat is by fulfilling all the rights of the Saff too. Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said:
“Verily, from the completion (perfection) of Salaat, is the establishment of the Saff.”
Iqaamatus Sufoof (establishing the Saff by fulfilling all its rights and demands) beautifies one’s Salaat and gives one a perfect Salaat. A Salaat performed with Jamaat which has gaps in between the Musallis, is not a perfect Salaat in terms of the Shariah.