SYSTEM Just as lack of system and order in mundane affairs, are detrimental in worldly matters, so too are they harmful in spiritual affairs. (There should be system and order in our Ibaadat and all Deeni matters.) [MALFOOZAAT HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →

HEALTH – A WONDERFUL NI’MAT   Health is a wonderful ni’mat (bounty of Allah). In Lucknow there was a nawaab who suffered from a stomach ailment. His nourishment consisted of only sucking a bit of mince boiled in a cloth-bag. On account of his aliment he could only suck theRead More →

   PURDAH (HIJAAB) & HONOUR Even if the Shariah had not ordered purdah (hijaab), then too honour demands that others do not see a woman. Money is an inferior commodity. However, it is concealed from others and well-guarded. Woman deserves greater care and protection than money. The Fuqaha are theRead More →

NO GUIDANCE WITHOUT INTENTION As long as a person has no intention of reforming himself, the teaching and training of a murshid (guide) will be of no benefit nor will anyone’s dua normally be of benefit. Who can be a greater guide and teacher than Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), andRead More →

THE EFFECTS OF NAMES The neighbour of Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullah alayh) was a Raafdhi (a Shiah) who owned two mules. He named the one Abu Bakr and the other Umar. Shiahs are notorious for their vilification of the Sahaabah. One day one of the mules kicked the Raafdhi and split open hisRead More →

HUSBAND HELPING WITH HOUSEHOLD CHORES Islam teaches us to refrain from pride; hence, it exhorts us to do our own housework – with our own hands. Thus, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) would himself attend to the household chores with his own blessed hands. He milked the goat, mended shoes andRead More →

THE CONTAGIOUS EFFECT OF SIN Once, after making a mistake in Salaat, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “What has happened to the people. They do not perform Wudhu correctly, which causes the Imaam to make mistakes. The effects of sins also affect those who do not sin. [MALFOOZAAT HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →

PARENTS Let me tell you of something proven by experience. If parents reform their own moral condition before the birth of a child, the latter will be pious. The actions, attributes and states of the parents prior to birth of their children exercise a profound influence on the children. TheRead More →

COURAGE, PARENTS AND GAMBLING A man came and said: “I am a habitual gambler. What is its remedy?” Hadhrat Thaanwi replied: “Courage is its remedy. Secondly, resolve firmly that whenever you indulge in gambling you will impose on yourself the performance of 100 raka’ts Nafl Salaat and abstain from two meals.Read More →