Allah Ta’ala states: “And, do not be extravagant (in expenditure). Verily, the wasters are the brothers of the shayaateen (devils). And, Shaytaan unto his Rabb was ungrateful.” (Surah Isra, Aayat 27)
Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “When a person is not granted barakah (blessings) in his wealth, he squanders it in water and sand.”
Extravagance is a sign which indicates that a person’s wealth is devoid of blessings. A salient feature of wealth shorn of barakah, is money wasted in the construction of unnecessary palatial buildings. Usually the motive for constructing palatial mansions is to gain fame. When a man of wealth is bereft of true excellences, he desires to project himself in society. He is desirous of acclaim and self-aggrandizement. He therefore squanders his wealth in avenues which are morally and spiritually destructive. One such avenue mentioned by Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is the construction of buildings.
Regarding palatial mansions, the Qur’aan Majeed states: “What! Do you erect palaces as if you are going to live (on earth) forever?” While the vast majority of the Ummah languishes in grinding poverty and gross ignorance, and despite the suffering of Muslims, people are squandering astronomical sums of money in wasteful buildings of pride and ostentation. This satanic disease is not restricted to private houses. Communities are competing with one another in the construction of Musaajid. Tens of millions are squandered to construct Musjids which could have been built for a fraction of the amount expended. This is another Sign of Qiyaamah.
Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Amongst the Signs of the Day of Qiyaamah is that people will show off in the building of Masaajid.” [Sunan Nasaai, Mishkaat, Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah]
Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “The Hour (of Qiyaamah) will not come until people vie amongst one another in (the building of) Musaajid.” [Tabraani, Sunan Abu Dawood, Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan, Sunan Ibn Maajah, Musnad Ahmed]
Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “An age will dawn when people will mutually vie with one another with (abundance of) Musaajid which they will not frequent except a few.” [Al-Mu’jamul Ausat, Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah, Kanzul Ummaal]
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “I have not been commanded (by Allah) to construct lofty (high and decorative) Masaajid.”
Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Abbaas Radhiyallahu Anhu commented: “Most assuredly you will embellish (adorn, decorate and beautify) them (i.e. the Masaajid) as the Yahood and Nasaara embellish (their temples).” [Sunan Abu Dawood, Bayhaqi, Musnad Abu Ya’laa]
Both the individual and the community are trapped in this shaytaaniyyat (satanism). Castigating the squanderers, the Qur’aan Majeed describes them as the brothers of the devils. Soon Maut will suddenly and harshly apprehend these votaries of Satanism who squander the amaanat of wealth in the construction of haraam buildings. All their hopes of pride, show and aggrandizement will be dashed. At the time of Maut they will understand the futility and the destruction of all their vain desires and worldly pursuits. At Maut they will understand that everything was a mirage.
Furthermore, Muslims should not allow themselves to be duped to contribute for a haraam project on the understanding that it is an undertaking of thawaab. The improper citation and misinterpretation of Ahaadeeth on the virtues of Masaajid by the Zindeeq brothers of Shaytaan do not justify the squandering of millions of rands simply for constructing a Musjid!
The Ummah is burning with oppression, ignorance, squalor and poverty. Millions of Muslims all over the world are languishing in abject suffering of a variety of kinds, yet Muslims of today including the Imaams and Sheikhs of the Gordon Bay Project of Israaf, suffer no pangs of conscience neither are they touched by the heart-rending plight of the Ummah.
Are they unaware of the intensive suffering, hunger and poverty of millions of Muslims around the world?
Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “You are not a true Mu’min as long as you do not love for your brother what you love for yourself.”
Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “The Muslimoon (the Ummah of Islam) are like one Man. When the head pains, the whole body pains, and when the eye pains, the whole body pains.” The whole body is affected when a single joint/limb pains. However, these brothers of Shaytaan are behaving as if they are not Muslims, hence they are not pained by the suffering of the Ummah at large.
The satanism, callousness of hearts and insensitivity of these wasters in their haraam wedding and jalsah functions are the characteristics of hearts totally darkened with shaytaani corruption which is indicative of dead Imaan. About such miserable hearts which devour food and excrete like beasts amid the suffering of the Ummah, the Qur’aan Majeed says:
“Then their hearts became hard like stone or harder (than stone), for Verily, from some stone gush streams, and verily, some stones split and water gushes forth, and some stones roll (from heights) out of fear for Allah…..”
But the corroded and hard hearts of these brothers of Shaytaan who waste, feast and only excrete like donkeys, remain unmoved by the miserable plight of the Ummah.
Muslims should contribute towards viable Islamic projects. The suffering refugees of Syria; constructing small Masaajid and Maktabs in villages where these essential facilities do not exist; boreholes; wells; assisting genuine debtors; aiding poor widows/divorcees, and they are numerous, and even food for poor non-Muslims are projects which cultivate the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala – which effaces sins – which builds up our capital for a time when it will be most needed. Do not waste the amaanat of wealth by contributing to wasteful projects, even if it is a Musjid!
Then after wasting tens of millions of rands for the sake of an extravagant Musjid, the Zindeeqs have a ‘Musjid Opening’ ceremony or function just like how the Kuffaar have opening ceremonies for their concerts and Haraam functions. Then, they indulge in merrymaking jalsahs where more money is wasted. Their minds have lost focus of the Aakhirat, the Qabr and the Day of Qiyaamah. Hence, the brains cannot operate properly and the squanderer of wealth becomes a brother of the devil!
Amid the suffering of the Ummah, a million rands will be squandered satanically. What has happened to the hearts of Muslims? It is obvious that contributing for this project will be aiding in sin and transgression. Aggravating the sin and evil of contributing to such miscreants, is the fact that the projects are initiated by Zindeeqs and Fussaaq. Indulgence in photography, Bid’aat, following Kufr Covid protocols, videos, violation of Hijaab, etc. are amongst the flagrant acts of fisq and fujoor of the Gordon Bay Fussaaq who are intending to waste millions of rands!
Among the Signs of Qiyaamah will be lofty ornate Musjid structures: Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Soon will there dawn an age when nothing of Islam will remain except its name – nothing of the Qur’aan will remain except its text. The Musaajid will be elaborate (and ornate) structures but bereft of guidance. The worst of the creation under the canopy of the sky will be the ulama. From them will emerge fitnah, and the fitnah will rebound on them.”