EIDUL ADHA 1440 EIDUL ADHA IS ON MONDAY – 12 AUGUST 2019 – FOR SOUTH AFRICA   Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “He who remains silent when the Haqq is trampled upon, is a Dumb Shaitaan.”   Some Cape Town Salafis, deviates, Zindeeqs and even some Murtads parading as ‘Muslims’Read More →

AZAADVILLE FUSSAAQ – JALSAHS & FUTILITY   Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Verily, I fear for my Ummah, the Aimmah-e-Mudhilleen (so-called Molvis, Sheikhs, Muftis and Imaams who mislead the masses).” The Shariah is very clear. There is no ambiguity or confusion as far as the Shariah is concerned. But, unfortunatelyRead More →

 IMAAMS & ULAMA NOT FULFILLING THEIR DUTIES – SHAYTAAN ABDER RAOUF BEN HALIMA   Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Soon will there dawn an age when nothing will remain of Islam but its name. Nothing will remain of the Qur’aan but its text. The Musaajid will be populated (and adorned) whilst bereftRead More →

IHSAAN TALIEP – ‘very good’ PRESIDENT OF ‘UUCSA’! ARE THE ‘ULAMA’ ASSOCIATED TO TALIEP AND ‘UUCSA’, REALLY ULAMA???   Allah Ta’ala states: ‘Don’t make excuses. Verily you have committed Kufr after Imaan.’   Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “He who turns away from my Sunnah, he is not from me.”Read More →

Allah Ta’ala states: ‘Verily, there is a beautiful example for you in the Rasool of Allah.’   Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “Whatever is innovated into this Deen of ours, verily, it is mardood (accursed and rejected).”   Seerah refers to the Mubaarak lifestyle and blessed life-story of Nabi SallallahuRead More →

Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “This Ilm (of the Shariah) will be borne by the pious of every successive generation.  They (the Ulama-e-Haqq) will drive away from it (this Shariah) the interpolations of the deviates, the falsehood of the false-mongers and the interpretations of the ignoramuses.” (Mishkaat) On Thursday, 6 April 2017, a memorial held for AhmedRead More →