The Noble Beard
THE NOBLE BEARD The beard is something wonderful. It enhances the dignity and handsomeness of a man. In fact a bearded man has a noble appearance. But, nowadays it is being vilified. [MALFOOZAAT HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →
Sayings & Pearls of Wisdom
THE NOBLE BEARD The beard is something wonderful. It enhances the dignity and handsomeness of a man. In fact a bearded man has a noble appearance. But, nowadays it is being vilified. [MALFOOZAAT HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →
MOLVIS AND WESTERN EDUCATION A Molvi relative of Hadhrat Thanvi (rahmatullah alayh) who was a Waa-iz (lecturer) sent his sons to acquire western education. Hadhrat Thanvi was extremely annoyed and grieved. Despite Hadhrat Thanvi forbidding his relative from this move, he ignored it. Hadhrat then forbade the Molvi from correspondingRead More →
SINS AND TAUBAH A Mu’min is scared of his own sins even if the sins are minor. On the contrary, one devoid of Imaan regards sins to be insignificant. He remains unconcerned. It is a sign of Imaan to view sin as being severe and evil. [MALFOOZAAT HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →
SELLING THE DEEN Our Maulana Khaleel Ahmad Sahib (rahmatullah alayh) frequently said: “We are in need, but we are not sellers of the Deen.” [MALFOOZAAT OF HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →
THE SUNNAH Ittibaa-e-Sunnah (obedience to the Sunnah) is the quick and easy way of gaining Divine Proximity. [MALFOOZAAT HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →
INTENTION WHEN VISITING THE GRAVES When visiting graves the niyyat should be to remember one’s own impending death and that the mayyit derives benefit from one’s dua. [MALFOOZAAT HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →
FASTING DOGS There are many episodes of some dogs fasting one day in a week. On that day, they consume no food. People who fast should derive lesson from this. [MALFOOZAAT HAKEEMUL UMMAT]Read More →
TILAAWAT AN ALL-EMBRACING ETIQUETTE There are many aadaab (etiquettes) of tilaawaat of the Qur’aan Shareef. I shall however mention one which is all-embracing. When you decide to recite the Qur’aan Shareef, think that you are doing so in response to a request by Allah Ta’ala. You will be reciting andRead More →
UNITY WITH THE SHIAS — IS IT POSSIBLE??? The following Malfooz (saying/words of advice) of Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahimahullah is undoubtedly some good food for thought, especially these days when some people are trying to force down our throats the issue of being united with Shias! UNITYRead More →
MALTREATING WIVES It is stated in the Hadith: “Treat well women (i.e. your wives) because they are (like) prisoners by you.” It is dishonourable (and cowardly) to maltreat a prisoner who is within one’s control. The term ‘awaan’ (in the Hadith translated as ‘prisoners’) also indicates the need for Purdah.Read More →
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