MOTHER IS YOUR NAFL HAJJ A man left from the City of Farghaanah (in Central Asia) with the intention of performing Nafl Hajj. When he reached Nishapur, he went to visit Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan Al-Khairi (rahmatullah alayh). He made Salaam, but Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan did not respond. Feeling annoyed, theRead More →

THE TAQWA OF IMAAM ABU HANIFAH Once on an intensely hot day, Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullah alayh) and Imaam Abu Yusuf (rahmatullah alayh) were passing through the streets of the market place. Due to the intensity of the heat, Imaam Abu Hanifah walked close to the rows of shops soRead More →

THE HUMILITY OF THE LION Binaan Hammaal (rahmatullah alayh) was a great Wali of the 4th century of the Islamic era. He hailed from Baghdad, but settled in Egypt. Once, Ibn Tuloon, the king of Egypt was greatly affronted and felt belittled by the admonition of Hadhrat Hammaal. The wrathRead More →

THE BARKAT OF SADQAH During the era of Nabi Saalih (Alayhis Salaam) there was a man who caused much distress to the people. Once they approached Hadhrat Saalih (Alayhis Salaam) and complained about the stress the evil man was causing them. Nabi Saalih (Alayhis Salaam) made a Dua, then said:Read More →

THE OBEDIENT SNAKE A Buzrug who went to visit Hadhrat Ibraahim Bin Adham (rahmatullah alayh) narrated the following episode: “I did not find Hadhrat Ibraahim Bin Adham in the Musjid. I was told that he had just left the Musjid. I went out in search of him It was extremelyRead More →

HUMILITY FROM A DOG Once when Hadhrat Khwaajah Ali Seerjaani (rahmatullah alayh) sat down to have his meal, he supplicated to Allah Ta’ala: ‘O Allah! Send a guest to share the food with me.” Soon a dog appeared from the door of the Musajid which was close by. Hadhrat SeerjaaniRead More →

RIZQ IS SEALED   HADHRAT SIRRI SAQATI (Rahmatullah Alayh)   Hadhrat Sirri Saqati (Rahmatullah alayh) was the Mureed of Hadhrat Ma’roof Karkhi (Rahmatullah alayh) and the maternal uncle of Hadhrat Junaid Baghdadi (Rahmatullah alayh). In the beginning he was a trader in Baghdad. His profit mark-up was never more thanRead More →

THE LOVE FOR ANONYMITY It is reported in the Hadith that on the Day of Qiyaamah, Hadhrat Uwais Qarni (rahmatullah alayh) will be admitted into Jannat in great pomp and splendour. He will be in the midst of seventy thousand Malaaikah (Angels) who will all be identical to him inRead More →

THE EVIL OF GHEEBAT Once a pious man who exercised much caution regarding halaal food invited some people for  meals.  Hadhrat Ibraahim Bin Adham had also been invited. When he reached the house of the host, there was a delay in serving  the  food.  The  host  was  waiting  for  oneRead More →